Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So Much Bullshit!

So Much Bullshit!

     I can't go anywhere, do anything, or look in any direction without the proverbial everpresent mountainous avalanche of bullshit barrelling towards me. The ads that are followed by an endless stream of whispered disclaimers (everything I just said was a damned lie, but contact the store for the details on how we're going to fuck you out of every penny we can). 

     The vitamin companies that make shit loads of money with their snake-oil. Now, let's dissect this for a moment. If the assanine american diet is so good for us, then why do we need so many supplements to get us over the good health hump? 
     And what about the organizations that claim to be in existence to fight some God-awful disease or another. They have fundraisers constantly and raise billions of dollars, but nobody seems to wonder why, or ask them why they haven't come up with anything that remotely resembles a cure. Don't you love it when they tell us that so many people die every minute from a laundry list of maladies from hunger to breast cancer. If all of these statistics were true, there wouldn't be anybody left on the planet! 
     And taxes! It's not clear to me, nor should it be clear to anyone why we pay federal income tax when there is a 21% embedded tax on every dollar we spend for everyday goods like groceries, gas, liquor etc.. The 1984 Grace Commission Report stated that none of the money collected from the federal income tax goes to infrastructure costs. Then you take it up the ass again with state taxes. 
     Then there is the world hunger racket. 'Non-profit' organizations that want you and me to beleive that all of their money goes to "feed" the hungry people of the world. With most of these organizations only a very small percentage of the money donated goes toward the actual cause. They say shit like, "little Marisol doesn't even have shoes to walk these unpaved streets", while the asshole walks right next to her with his shiny new shoes on. Pick the little girl up, or better yet, get her some fucking shoes! But they do this to play on our sympathies. 

     Don't get me wrong, I'd love to do things to help people, but I'm not a big fan of 'feeding' people. I am a fan of teaching people how to be self-sufficient and feed themselves. 
     Let's move on now to the geniuses who claim to be environmentalists and are still gnawing on the dead carcasses of animals at breakfast, lunch and dinner every day of every week, when the #1 consumers of fossel fuels and the main culprits of environmental destruction are the meat and dairy industries. But they carpool, recycle, and buy 'green' products like the shit I saw on the shelf at the grocery store; 'green works'. A line of cleaning products that claims to be eco-friendly for not having any harsh chemicals or having been tested on animals. Guess who makes this shit. FUCKING CLOROX, MAN!!!!!!!!! 
     Let's wake the fuck up, people. As long as we continue bending over butt-assed naked with our ankles in our hands, we'll continue to get (you guessed it); FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to vent. I'm O.K. now. Thanks, The Mad Vegan!

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Why I'm Here

I started this blog for a relatively simple reason. I would like to explore the vegan lifesyle and the vast array of options that are readily available to almost everyone. Regardless of how difficult or inconvenient one may think veganism is, it's really rather simple. Let's get started. Bryan (Vegan Avatar!)