Sunday, October 10, 2010

Humane Slaughter?

     If "humane slaughter" is not a contradiction in terms, there are none. Every time I hear that, or some other such nonsense, I tilt my head to one side like a confused dog. You know what I'm talking about, don't you? 

     When referring to methods of food production (murder), such as 'grain fed' or 'free range', people say "the animals are treated well, allowed to freely roam and graze and screw", right up until their throats are slit by the same people they think have their best interest at heart. I guess that makes it allright. 

     But wait! We're forgetting that our good government allows farmers to say 'free range chicken' when in fact they are only required to cram less chickens into a cage. 

     And while we're on the subject, 'grain and corn fed cattle' are allowed to be fed a slightly smaller percentage than usual of feces, urine, and the perennial favorite mix of antibiotics and hormones. 

     I suppose I'm being too harsh. A fair number of animals must be treated better than this, right? Well, the naked assed truth about it is, I wouldn't give a damn if all of these animals were treated like kings and queens, got pedicures, fed manna from heaven, walked on rose petals and were serenaded to sleep every night. If the end result is being murdered for their flesh, it's not right. Is it? (The Mad Vegan!)

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I started this blog for a relatively simple reason. I would like to explore the vegan lifesyle and the vast array of options that are readily available to almost everyone. Regardless of how difficult or inconvenient one may think veganism is, it's really rather simple. Let's get started. Bryan (Vegan Avatar!)