Sunday, October 10, 2010


How many times have you heard the term rabbit food used when referring to a vegetarian diet. It's more like Gorilla, Elephant and Rhinoceros food. Walk up to this dude and tell him he eats like a sissy.

Vegan Girls Do It For Me

I was just thinking of how much more of a turn on vegan women are to me than meat-eaters. Rightfully, I shouldn't even consider being with a meat-eater; sexually or otherwise, because my choice to be a vegan is as much a moral choice as it is for my health or the environment. 

     Should I give it to a woman who doesn't have the capacity to give a shit about something other than herself. Vegan girls give a damn! 

     A chick told me the other day that I was limiting myself because I'm just about at the point that I couldn't kiss, let alone DO a woman that eats meat. She said you can't dictate to a woman what she can or can't eat. I said "that's true, but I can damn sure decide whether or not she'll be with me." Vegan girls taste better anyway. I guess you can say I'm a VAGI-tarian! Mucho Love to all you Vegan Goddesses. (The Mad Vegan!)


     Over the years I've grown to (for lack of a better word) 'judge' people by their choices and beliefs, mainly whether or not they're vegan. I know 'judge' may seem like a harsh word, but the truth is we are judged everyday in such superficial ways, like how we look, and speak, and perform our shitty jobs that we hate. 

     Why is it that when it comes to measuring people by their moral choices we get defensive and say, 'oh, you shouldn't judge'? Of course I know the answer to that question. When we come face to face with our own hypocrisy, it stings, doesn't it? 

     So when I'm interacting with vegans, I know I am among people who have something in common with me that is one of the most, if not the most important aspects of my life; Veganism. I feel a kinship to all vegans. Of course, if you happen to be a vegan in addition to being a bigot, thief, or murderer etc., that would negate any fuzzy feelings I would have had for you. But I think most vegans are good people and at least operate on a good foundation. I salute vegans everywhere for the choice they have made to be human! (The Mad Vegan!)

The Case Against Vivisection

     There has never been one scientific discovery or medical advancement derived from the practice of vivisection (animal experimentation). 

     That statement should be able to stand alone without anything other than a little deductive reasoning on the part of any reasonably intelligent individual. 

     First, one would have to be able to grasp the concept that an animals physiology greatly differs from that of a human's. This would negate any supposed results of any tests done on animals. 

     Secondly, one would have to ask himself why the medicines that are manufactured are so dangerous, and cause so many deadly side-effects. If vivisection were the answer, this would not be the case in so many instances. 
Animal experimentation is supposed to prevent humans from having to suffer. Yet suffer they do. 

Thirdly, there is the compassionate aspect of the case against vivisection (which is first in my book). How can we as intelligent, thoughtful beings capable of abstract thought, contribute to the suffering of others under the ruse of "better life through cruelty?" If the medical and pharmaceutical industries really had the best interest of the patient at heart, they would treat them with botanically based medicines (as was originally intended) instead of those composed of poisonous chemicals concocted in a laboratory. Once this is achieved, these medicines can be tested on the ones that were originally intended to benefit from them, people. (The Mad Vegan!)

How much More Abuse Can She Stand?

     It seems peculiar to me that there is much ado about 'green' this, 'eco' that, and 'sustainable' the other, but hardly any mention of the fact that the exploitation of animals is the primary cause of most of the environmental and health issues that plague us today. 

     The meat and dairy industries are the biggest users of fossil fuels (more than 1/3 of all use); they use more than 80 percent of the agricultural land mass to feed livestock; more than 2500 gallons of water is needed to yield 1 lb. of meat; the massive amounts of feces and urine generated by livestock pollutes waterways and causes huge fish kills; factory farms release large quantities of toxic gases such as methane, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia into the atmosphere, and the list goes on. 

     So, as we can see, it's quite absurd to speak about driving more fuel efficient vehicles, taking shorter showers, or recycling if we're sitting down to a meal of a dead carcass three or more times a day. (The Mad Vegan!)

Humane Slaughter?

     If "humane slaughter" is not a contradiction in terms, there are none. Every time I hear that, or some other such nonsense, I tilt my head to one side like a confused dog. You know what I'm talking about, don't you? 

     When referring to methods of food production (murder), such as 'grain fed' or 'free range', people say "the animals are treated well, allowed to freely roam and graze and screw", right up until their throats are slit by the same people they think have their best interest at heart. I guess that makes it allright. 

     But wait! We're forgetting that our good government allows farmers to say 'free range chicken' when in fact they are only required to cram less chickens into a cage. 

     And while we're on the subject, 'grain and corn fed cattle' are allowed to be fed a slightly smaller percentage than usual of feces, urine, and the perennial favorite mix of antibiotics and hormones. 

     I suppose I'm being too harsh. A fair number of animals must be treated better than this, right? Well, the naked assed truth about it is, I wouldn't give a damn if all of these animals were treated like kings and queens, got pedicures, fed manna from heaven, walked on rose petals and were serenaded to sleep every night. If the end result is being murdered for their flesh, it's not right. Is it? (The Mad Vegan!)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So Much Bullshit!

So Much Bullshit!

     I can't go anywhere, do anything, or look in any direction without the proverbial everpresent mountainous avalanche of bullshit barrelling towards me. The ads that are followed by an endless stream of whispered disclaimers (everything I just said was a damned lie, but contact the store for the details on how we're going to fuck you out of every penny we can). 

     The vitamin companies that make shit loads of money with their snake-oil. Now, let's dissect this for a moment. If the assanine american diet is so good for us, then why do we need so many supplements to get us over the good health hump? 
     And what about the organizations that claim to be in existence to fight some God-awful disease or another. They have fundraisers constantly and raise billions of dollars, but nobody seems to wonder why, or ask them why they haven't come up with anything that remotely resembles a cure. Don't you love it when they tell us that so many people die every minute from a laundry list of maladies from hunger to breast cancer. If all of these statistics were true, there wouldn't be anybody left on the planet! 
     And taxes! It's not clear to me, nor should it be clear to anyone why we pay federal income tax when there is a 21% embedded tax on every dollar we spend for everyday goods like groceries, gas, liquor etc.. The 1984 Grace Commission Report stated that none of the money collected from the federal income tax goes to infrastructure costs. Then you take it up the ass again with state taxes. 
     Then there is the world hunger racket. 'Non-profit' organizations that want you and me to beleive that all of their money goes to "feed" the hungry people of the world. With most of these organizations only a very small percentage of the money donated goes toward the actual cause. They say shit like, "little Marisol doesn't even have shoes to walk these unpaved streets", while the asshole walks right next to her with his shiny new shoes on. Pick the little girl up, or better yet, get her some fucking shoes! But they do this to play on our sympathies. 

     Don't get me wrong, I'd love to do things to help people, but I'm not a big fan of 'feeding' people. I am a fan of teaching people how to be self-sufficient and feed themselves. 
     Let's move on now to the geniuses who claim to be environmentalists and are still gnawing on the dead carcasses of animals at breakfast, lunch and dinner every day of every week, when the #1 consumers of fossel fuels and the main culprits of environmental destruction are the meat and dairy industries. But they carpool, recycle, and buy 'green' products like the shit I saw on the shelf at the grocery store; 'green works'. A line of cleaning products that claims to be eco-friendly for not having any harsh chemicals or having been tested on animals. Guess who makes this shit. FUCKING CLOROX, MAN!!!!!!!!! 
     Let's wake the fuck up, people. As long as we continue bending over butt-assed naked with our ankles in our hands, we'll continue to get (you guessed it); FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to vent. I'm O.K. now. Thanks, The Mad Vegan!

Why I'm Here

I started this blog for a relatively simple reason. I would like to explore the vegan lifesyle and the vast array of options that are readily available to almost everyone. Regardless of how difficult or inconvenient one may think veganism is, it's really rather simple. Let's get started. Bryan (Vegan Avatar!)